
Baby names.

We're almost 6 weeks to go to our little man joins our family, and we're still debating... what will we call him? Choosing a name is a challenge, but such a good one!

Hearing what other people have named their children is fascinating to me. Each family seems to have their own theme. Are your kid's names constant and stable, like James or Sarah? Or have you got a more whimsical romantic vibe, like Florence or Romeo? I think its funny that you will rarely come across a Winifred whose brother's name is Zak.

My brother likes boys names that are strong, like Augustus and Percival. "If they conquered an empire, then it's a good name" he says. Names definitely carry with them a backpack full of history, almost like a resume. I was on the phone several months back to a council worker, and when I mentioned Joan's name she said, "Now that's the name of a future Prime Minister!"

I was trying to come up with a label for my kid's names. Nancy, George, and Joan were favourites from a few generations back. They're well known, but the chances of my girls sharing a name with a classmate is pretty slim. My sister in law described them perfectly the other night. "They're vintage!" she said, and I laughed. She was right! My vintage babies.

So now the challenge is to come up with another name that's adorably vintage to fit in nicely with the other three.
I love Gilbert, but that was quickly vetoed by my husband. He suggested Charlie, but that feels a little too mainstream at the moment for me. I'm sure we'll come to an agreement. There are lots of names we like! And thankfully we both love the same "theme."

Have you noticed that the names you have chosen or like seem to have a theme? Or do you and your spouse love different names that clash? Do you have any tips and tricks that worked for you when settling on a name? I'd love to hear!